NBCU One App

NBC Entertainment launched the consolidated NBCU One App which spans over 10+ networks and lives on all the major platforms such as tvOS, iOS, ROKU, SamsungTV and more. Since its launch, I have focused relentlessly to improve and optimize the experience for our users.


Recognized by Apple for Best in Class TV App for the following categories:

Great EPG (Live Player Experience),

Navigation, and


“Your job, as a manager, is to get better outcomes from a group of people working together.”

— Julie Zhou, The Making of a Manager

Julie’s quote resonated with me during the time the UX team started initial designs for One App features to the actual launch. Working with an amazing team, it was my main goal to provide them with the following

  • Product mastery: A clear understanding of the product they were about to tackle and to explain complicated features in a way that is easy to digest.

  • Project management: A living excel sheet that contained links to jira tickets, deadlines, and important timelines for every feature and platform.

  • Transparency: I believe in sharing information with the team so they have the answers they need when designing.


Design Ops: Learnings from NBC


One App Asset Workflow